Free Video Series Reveals How Nevada Man Gets Paid $6500-$8500 For Keynote Speeches While Traveling the World

(step-by-step instructions show you how to do the same)

Our strategies have been discussed on the following amazing websites...

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Mi vivamus nostra orci, proin fusce. Porttitor aliquam adipiscing rhoncus sed, nec eros augue! Gravida dolor cras nullam volutpat justo ad turpis, leo pharetra!

Video 1

The secrets to running and why it's the most important factor when increasing speed

Video 2

The simple settings I use to get the most out of every lap

Video 3

How to find the best running locations

Find Speaking Jobs

Instructions to locate high-paying speaking jobs anywhere in the world.

Live Your Purpose

You can motivate hundreds... even thousands of people at every speech.

Templates Galore

Contracts, email sequences, phone scripts, website copy... everything you need!

Killer Marketing Materials

Instructions to locate high-paying speaking jobs anywhere in the world.

Negotiation Strategies

Convert leads into customers who are happy to pay your fee in full.

Proven Marketing Sequences

Send this, not that. Send it on day 7, not day 3. Here's exactly what to say.

About Your Host

Jennifer Hewitt

CEO, LaunchPlus

Use this section to educate your visitor on why they should listen to you - as the host of this training series.  Include any credentials you have, social proof information such as publications you have been featured in or accolades you have received.

Learn about our [X Strategy] in Video 1

*Individual results may vary. The success of your speaking career depends on (gasp!) your platform skills, marketing savvy, work ethic, ability to be coachable, and capacity to follow instructions. It should be understood that your enrollment in these trainings does not guarantee that you will be paid, nor paid any specific amount; that would be silly. Rather, this site is offered to distill and explain the processes that have been responsible for many dozens of real-life speakers to become full-time and part-time professionals who share their messages for profit. Additionally, using this site does not guarantee worldwide travel as it is the combined effectiveness of your marketing, your speaking skills, and audience appeal that determines which clients book you in various locations.

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